Yearly Lesson Plan Science Form 2 Kssm. Science form1 chapter 1 free download as powerpoint presentation ppt pdf file pdf text file txt or view presentation slides online. Science form 1 chapter 1 kssm.
5 2 4 elaborate and communicate the uses of. Introduction to scientific investigation 2 1 1 science is part of daily life. Rekod pdpc pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan harian pt3 kssm sains tingkatan 2 sb scheme of work and suggested activities pt3 kssm science form 2 sb.
Smjk perempuan perak ipoh yearly lesson plan 2018 science kssm form 2 theme 1.
Maintenance and continuity of life week learning area content standard learning standard notes week 1 biodiversity 1 1 diversity of organism a student is able to. Scientific investigation week learning objectives learning outcomes remarks 1 1 1 analysing method of scientific investigationa student is able to. Rekod pdpc pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan harian pt3 kssm sejarah tingkatan 2 sb. 7 strategi supaya anak duduk diam dan fokus masa makan 1 year ago intanberlian.