Need Of Lesson Plan Ppt. The teacher should know beforehand what to teach and how to teach. Call it an essential vitamin for the teacher s survival.
No matter what your experience level or reason for needing a lesson plan when the time comes for you to create one make sure it includes the eight essential components and you ll be on your way to achieving every teacher s goal. For example if a student wrote that soda is a need have him draw a picture of a person with soda and invite the class to discuss why this is or isn t a need. We aim to respond to messages within one business day but it may take up to 3 business days to respond depending on the request.
Lesson plan is important for a newly trained teacher who could be faced with varied unpredictable situation.
Teachers and persons who are participating in some kind of training program especially that much includes observation. Generally for a teacher it is a work to be covered in a class period which runs for 40 to 50 minutes. A lesson plan is required to assist the students in achieving the learning objectives on the short term and long term as well. Technology integration create a presentation with pictures of wants and needs.