Naming Branched Hydrocarbons Worksheet. According to this rule the longest possible chain of carbon atoms is considered and the compound is named as the derivative of the corresponding alkane. Alkanes have the formula c xh 2x 2 and end with the suffix ane alkenes have the formula c xh.
H h h h i i i i h c c c c h c4 h h la c h n 6. Name period mrdeakin frontpage naming alkanes worksheet 1 name the following branched alkanes. Naming and drawing alkanes for each alkane write the correct iupac name.
Hydrocarbons compounds made of the elements carbon and hydrogen.
You need to memorize the following prefixes. As with double and triple bonds the main chain is numbered to give the substituent the lowest possible number. Hydrocarbons compounds made of the elements carbon and hydrogen. However there is likely one more step.